Saturday 16 November 2013

Blonde Hair | Dry Hair | Forever Long Hair

I've got that awkward 'dirty blonde' hair, which in winter just looks mousey as it isn't lightening in the sun.

I used to dye my hair dark brown (very dark!), and about 18months ago I decided to go blonde again. A little worried my hair would entirely fall out, but desperately wanting to be blonde, I bought loads of packs of B4 hair stripper, and did a few treatments over the course of a week - then went straight in with the bleach.

Thankfully, my hair is in tact - but I definitely notice it looks a lot drier now that it is blonde and doesn't reflect the light in the same glossy way as when I was a brunette. So I need to start taking care of it a bit better.

I bought this BB quenching shampoo and conditioner for terribly thirsty hair, than when combined with a good blowdry seems to do the trick! (If only I had the time/patience to blowdry my hair everytime I wash it).

Available to purchase from - pretty awesome site as its always free delivery!

BB Quenching Shampoo

Forever Long Hair


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